Records of former Sturgeon court of common pleas, transfer and keeping of.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1969

478.620. Records of former Sturgeon court of common pleas, transfer and keeping of. — All records, filings, materials, and papers of every kind and nature belonging to the former court of common pleas of Sturgeon, Boone county, Missouri, shall be transferred to the circuit court of the thirteenth judicial circuit located in Columbia, Missouri. The circuit clerk of Boone County shall receive, keep, and preserve all those records, filings, materials, and papers along with the records of his circuit court, and these records shall become a permanent part of the records of the circuit court at Columbia. The circuit clerk is further authorized to issue certified copies of any of the records of the common pleas court of Sturgeon, Missouri, in the same manner as he issues certified copies of the circuit court, and all courts of this state shall recognize such certified copies as if made by a clerk of the original court.


(L. 1969 p. 558 § 1)

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