Appeals from municipal judges, where heard.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1984

478.469. Appeals from municipal judges, where heard. — 1. Cases reviewing decisions of officials or administrative bodies of Kansas City shall be heard at Kansas City, and cases reviewing decisions of officials or administrative bodies of Independence shall be heard at Independence.

2. Trials de novo from decisions of municipal judges of Kansas City may at the option of the appellant be heard in the circuit court of the county where the offense complained of was committed or in the circuit court of the sixteenth judicial circuit.

3. Trials de novo from decisions of municipal judges serving other municipalities within Jackson County and cases reviewing decisions of officials or administrative bodies of other municipalities or of other governmental bodies may be heard at either Kansas City or Independence.

4. The name of the court appealed to shall be set out in order granting the appeal.


(L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1142 & 894)

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