Transfer of cases by local court rule, circuit court and probate division (Circuit No. 16).

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Effective - 02 Jan 1979

478.465. Transfer of cases by local court rule, circuit court and probate division (Circuit No. 16). — By local circuit court rule, the sixteenth judicial circuit may provide for the transfer of a case pending before a circuit or associate circuit judge of a division at Independence and of a division at Kansas City for good cause shown upon order of such judge or of the presiding judge from a division at Independence to a division at Kansas City, and from a division at Kansas City to a division at Independence. By local circuit court rule, the sixteenth judicial circuit may also provide for the transfer of cases between divisions presided over by associate circuit judges which sit at any location within the circuit. The judge of the probate division of the circuit court of Jackson County if he deems it advisable or in the interest of the party or parties to any proceeding or controversy therein may by his order entered of record remove and transfer the hearing of such proceeding or controversy and the case records from Independence to Kansas City or from Kansas City to Independence, and said cause, proceeding or controversy shall be proceeded with to final settlement or conclusion at the place to which it may be removed.


(L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Effective 1-02-79

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