Fines, penalties and forfeitures, to be paid into city treasury, reports.

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Effective - 02 Jan 1979

*478.434. Fines, penalties and forfeitures, to be paid into city treasury, reports. — The circuit court of the city of St. Louis shall have power and is hereby required to see that all officers in the city of St. Louis, charged with the collection of fines, penalties and forfeitures, for misdemeanors under any law of this state, pay the same into the city treasury as required by law, and for that purpose said court shall have power to cite and compel every such officer, at least once in every three months, and oftener if need be, to make a written report, under oath, of all such fines, penalties and forfeitures collected by him; and if any such officer shall fail to make such report when cited, or to pay over the amount collected by him as required by law, then said court may compel him thereto, by attachment of his body.


(L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Effective 1-02-79

*Formerly 479.300.

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