General term — business, how distributed and expedited.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1939

478.400. General term — business, how distributed and expedited. — Said court may classify, arrange, distribute and assign the business thereof, and the causes instituted therein, among the several judges thereof, in such manner and at such time as the majority of such judges may from time to time prescribe by rules or orders; and each of said judges shall, at special term, attend to such business as may, under such rules or orders, be assigned to him. And said court in general term, may, by general rules, further provide for the hearing of certain motions, demurrers and applications for relief, or extraordinary remedies, by the presiding judge, or any other judge of said court, and for the assignment for trial, the reassignment and transfer of causes from one division to another of said court by the sole action of either the presiding judge, or other judge of said court, designated for such purpose by said general term.


(RSMo 1939 § 2219)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 2117; 1919 § 2620; 1909 § 4153

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