Preserving record, case assigned to associate circuit judge, how, approval required — supreme court to prescribe procedures and forms.

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Effective - 02 Jan 1979

478.072. Preserving record, case assigned to associate circuit judge, how, approval required — supreme court to prescribe procedures and forms. — 1. In any case assigned to an associate circuit judge to be heard upon the record as authorized by law, the associate circuit judge shall utilize electronic, magnetic, or mechanical sound, or video recording devices, or a court reporter, or a stenographer for the purpose of preserving the record. The method of preserving the record in each such assigned case shall be specified by the assigning judge at the time he enters his order of assignment. Electronic, magnetic, or mechanical recording devices shall be approved by the office of state courts administrator prior to their utilization by any associate circuit judge.

2. The supreme court shall by order prescribe necessary and proper forms and procedures in addition to those specified herein.

3. Any circuit judge serving as judge of a probate division of the circuit court may also preserve the record in his court by using such approved electronic, magnetic, or mechanical recording devices.


(L. 1976 H.B. 1317 & 1098 § 2, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Effective 1-02-79

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