Circuit number nine, election to maintain quarters for circuit court, form of question.

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Effective - 03 Feb 1995

478.038. Circuit number nine, election to maintain quarters for circuit court, form of question. — 1. In circuit number nine, the county commission of the county of Linn may submit the issue of whether to maintain quarters for the circuit court at a location other than at the county seat to a vote of the people.

2. The county commission may make an order to present to the voters of the county the question of whether to maintain quarters for the circuit court at a location other than at the county seat. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:

Shall the county continue to maintain quarters for the circuit court at a location other than at the county seat?

3. If a majority of the votes cast on the question are in favor of maintaining a second courthouse at a location other than the county seat, the county commission shall by order entered of record continue to maintain quarters for the circuit court at a location other than the county seat. If a majority of the votes cast on the question are against maintaining a second courthouse at a location other than the county seat, the county commission shall by order entered of record cease to maintain a second courthouse at a location other than the county seat.


(L. 1995 H.B. 239 § 478.037)

Effective 2-03-95

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