Fee for service, amount, paid by whom.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2004

476.806. Fee for service, amount, paid by whom. — 1. Interpreters and translators in civil, juvenile, and criminal proceedings shall be allowed a reasonable fee approved by the court and necessary travel expenses not to exceed state rates. Interpreters shall not be compensated for travel time.

2. If the person requiring an interpreter or translator during the proceeding is a party to or a witness in any criminal proceeding, such fees and expenses shall be payable by the state from funds appropriated for such purpose.

3. In all cases not included in subsection 2 of this section, such fees and expenses may be taxed as costs by the court to the parties. Prior to any proceeding requiring an interpreter or translator, the court may order either party, or both, to deposit money with the court in an amount reasonably necessary to cover such fees and expenses. Upon disposition of the proceeding the court may order such costs paid from such deposit and shall return any portion of the deposit not used for such court costs to the parties.


(L. 2004 S.B. 1211 § 476.820)

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