Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, list of qualified interpreters — compliance directives.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2002

476.763. Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, list of qualified interpreters — compliance directives. — 1. Whenever a designated responsible authority is required to provide auxiliary aids and services, the authority shall request from the Missouri commission for the deaf and hard of hearing a current list of qualified interpreters or other auxiliary aids and services. If the choice of a qualified interpreter or other auxiliary aids and services does not meet the needs of, or adequately accommodate, the deaf person, the designated responsible authority may appoint another qualified interpreter or auxiliary aids and services.

2. The Missouri commission for the deaf and hard of hearing shall, in cooperation with the Missouri Assistive Technology Advisory Council, when appropriate, issue compliance directives for designated responsible authorities regarding the standards which should be followed, along with the resources available to comply with sections 476.750 to 476.766.


(L. 1993 S.B. 88 § 8, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1783)

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