Interpretation of proceedings, when — admissibility of evidence — indigent persons.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2002

476.753. Interpretation of proceedings, when — admissibility of evidence — indigent persons. — 1. A designated responsible authority shall provide, based on a deaf person's expressed needs, auxiliary aids and services to interpret the proceedings to a deaf person and, if a deaf person gives testimony or other communication, to interpret the deaf person's testimony or other communication when:

(1) A deaf person is a party, juror or witness at any stage of any judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding in this state or in its political subdivisions, including, but not limited to, any civil proceeding, criminal court proceeding or administrative hearing, preliminary hearing, postconviction proceeding, grand jury proceeding, proceeding before a magistrate, juvenile proceeding, adoption proceeding, parole or probation revocation proceeding or special proceeding;

(2) A juvenile whose parent, guardian or foster parent or other legally responsible party is deaf and such juvenile is brought before a court in any proceeding, including, but not limited to, any civil, criminal, or juvenile proceeding, including any investigation, interview or any other proceeding regarding the juvenile that is authorized by or held under the supervision of a court;

(3) A deaf person in any proceeding who may be subjected to confinement or criminal sanction or in any proceeding preliminary thereto, including, but not limited to, any coroner's inquest, grand jury proceeding, proceeding before a magistrate, juvenile proceeding and mental health commitment proceeding;

(4) There is any proceeding concerning the well-being or rehabilitation of a deaf person within a state prison, or juvenile detention or correctional facility, including, but not limited to, any disciplinary hearing, parole hearing, psychological evaluation/hearing, administrative hearing, sexual assault prevention program, counseling, medical care, any on-the-job or vocational training or any educational program.

2. No answer, statement, admission or other information, written or oral, shall be admissible as evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding if obtained from a deaf person who is involuntarily detained or arrested before an interpreter or auxiliary aids and services are provided to that deaf person, based on the deaf person's expressed needs. No deaf arrestee, otherwise eligible for release, shall be held in custody pending arrival of an interpreter or auxiliary aids and services.

3. It is the policy and practice of any court of this state or of any of its political subdivisions to appoint counsel for indigent people in criminal proceedings, and the designated responsible authority shall provide and pay for an interpreter or provide auxiliary aids and services for deaf indigent people to assist in communication with counsel in all phases of the preparation and presentation of the case.


(L. 1993 S.B. 88 § 5, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1715)


Admissibility of TDD, TTY, or TT communications, 490.722

(2005) Section requires that trial court provide deaf venireman with interpreter. State v. Wilson, 169 S.W.3d 571 (Mo.App. W.D.).

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