Retired senior judges or commissioners, application, qualifications, appointment, term.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1999

476.681. Retired senior judges or commissioners, application, qualifications, appointment, term. — 1. Any retired judge or retired commissioner receiving retirement benefits under any of the applicable provisions of this chapter, who is willing to serve as a senior judge or senior commissioner, respectively, may make application for such service with the clerk of the supreme court on forms provided by the clerk. The application shall contain information relating to the prior legal and judicial experience of the applicant, the applicant's physical and mental health, and the times of the applicant's availability. The clerk may request physical or mental examinations of any applicant and may request that the applicant furnish or authorize the furnishing of any relevant medical or other health records. An application shall be submitted to the supreme court for approval or disapproval and shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of approval.

2. Upon written request of the chief judge of any district of the court of appeals or the presiding judge of any circuit, the supreme court may appoint a senior judge or senior commissioner from the file of approved applications maintained by the clerk of the supreme court. Appointments to serve shall be based on caseload and need, as determined by the supreme court in its discretion, taking into consideration reports filed pursuant to section 476.412, recommendations made by the judicial resources commission created herein and such other matters that the court deems relevant. The appointment may be made for a specific case or cases or for a specified period of time not to exceed one year. The appointment may be extended for additional periods of time not to exceed one year each if the appointed senior judge or senior commissioner maintains an annual updated and approved application for appointment. Persons serving as a senior judge or senior commissioner pursuant to the provisions of this section shall receive compensation as provided in section 476.682.


(L. 1989 S.B. 439 § 2, A.L. 1999 S.B. 1, et al.)

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