Votes, how counted and canvassed — governor to proclaim results (Clay County).

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Effective - 28 Aug 1972

476.680. Votes, how counted and canvassed — governor to proclaim results (Clay County). — 1. The votes on the question shall be counted, canvassed and returned by the regular boards of judges, clerks and officers as votes for candidates are counted, canvassed and returned, and the abstract made by the officials in general charge of elections in each such county shall be returned to the secretary of state on separate abstract sheets, in the manner provided for abstract of votes for state and county officers.

2. The secretary of state, in the presence of the governor, sixty days after the election, shall proceed to canvass the votes on the question; and the governor shall forthwith issue his proclamation, giving the whole number of votes cast in each such judicial circuit for and against the question, and if the question is approved by a majority of those voting thereon, declaring the nonpartisan selection of the circuit and associate circuit judges to be in full force and effect in each such judicial circuit as provided for in Article V, Section 29 of the Constitution of 1945.


(L. 1972 H.B. 622 § 5)

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