Judicial department, annual salary adjustment, when, restrictions on, how appropriated — compensation schedule to be maintained, where, how — duty of revisor of statutes.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1996

476.405. Judicial department, annual salary adjustment, when, restrictions on, how appropriated — compensation schedule to be maintained, where, how — duty of revisor of statutes. — 1. Within the limits of any appropriation made for this purpose, the salary fixed by sections 211.381, 211.393, 477.130, 478.013, 478.018, 483.083, 483.163, and 485.060 may be adjusted in any one year by a salary adjustment. The salary adjustment shall not exceed the salary adjustment for the executive department contained in the pay plan applicable to other state employees at a similar salary level for that fiscal year. If no salary adjustment or a lower salary adjustment is granted pursuant to this section than is granted the executive department in any year, then the salary adjustment granted pursuant to this section in the next fiscal year may exceed the salary adjustment of the executive department by the amount of the difference in the prior year.

2. The amount of a salary adjustment to be approved pursuant to this section shall be stated in a separate line item of the appropriation bill. A salary adjustment approved pursuant to this section shall be added to the statutory salary and the sum of these amounts shall be the statutory salary of the office for all purposes. This statutory salary shall be included in the appropriation bill in the same manner as any other personal service appropriation involving a statutory salary.

3. The office of administration shall maintain a compensation schedule for each fiscal year indicating the highest statutory salary paid for each office specified in sections 211.381, 211.393, 477.130, 478.013, 478.018, 483.083, 483.163, and 485.060, and the salary adjustment contained in the pay plan applicable to other state employees generally. The schedule shall be open for public inspection and shall be annually included in the Missouri Register and an appendix to the Revised Statutes of Missouri. For each office for which a salary adjustment is approved pursuant to this section, the revisor of statutes shall place a revisor's note following each section providing compensation for the office referencing the reader to the compensation index.


(L. 1982 S.B. 497 § 1, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1244, A.L. 1996 S.B. 719)

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