Power of courts to issue writs.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1939

476.070. Power of courts to issue writs. — All courts shall have power to issue all writs which may be necessary in the exercise of their respective jurisdictions, according to the principles and usages of law.


(RSMo 1939 § 2008)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 1844; 1919 § 2341; 1909 § 3863

(1954) In condemnation suit where no question of public use was injected, the only function of the court was to determine the compensation for the taking and a writ of execution or of assistance to enforce the taking, could not be based on the decree therein. St. Louis Housing Authority v. Jower (A.), 267 S.W.2d 344.

(1959) Objection by person confined in jail in one county to his removal to another county on writ of habeas corpus ad prosequendum for trial on felony charge held without merit. State v. Robinson (Mo.), 325 S.W.2d 465.

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