Court personnel defined — state court administration revolving fund created.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2003

476.058. Court personnel defined — state court administration revolving fund created. — 1. As used in this section, the term "court personnel" includes all personnel of all state courts and all divisions of the courts, including juvenile, family and municipal divisions, and clerks, deputy clerks, division clerks, official court reporters, law clerks and court administrators, but not including judges.

2. There is hereby established in the state treasury the "State Court Administration Revolving Fund". Any moneys received by or on behalf of the state court administrator from registration fees, grants, or any other source in connection with the training and education of court personnel provided pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the fund.

3. In addition, any moneys received by or on behalf of the state courts administrator from fees, grants, or any other sources in connection with the preparation of court transcripts shall be deposited in the fund provided, however, that moneys collected in the fund in connection with a particular purpose shall be segregated and shall not be disbursed for any other purpose.

4. The state treasurer shall administer the fund and shall disburse moneys from the fund to the state courts administrator pursuant to appropriations in order to provide training, to purchase goods and services related to the training and education of court personnel, and to pay for goods and services associated with the preparation of court transcripts.

5. Any unexpended balance remaining in the fund at the end of each biennium shall be exempt from the provisions of section 33.080 relating to the transfer of unexpended balances to the general revenue fund, until the amount in the state courts administration revolving fund exceeds the greater of either one-half of the expenditures from the fund during the previous year, or fifty thousand dollars.


(L. 1996 S.B. 869 § C-6, A.L. 2003 H.B. 613)

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