Effective - 28 Aug 2014
416.656. Attorney general's authority — awards credited to antitrust revolving fund, when. — 1. The attorney general's authority under this chapter to investigate, restrain, and prosecute civil actions under the Missouri antitrust law shall apply to investigating and prosecuting actions under sections 416.650 to 416.658.
2. In an action brought by the attorney general under this chapter the court may award or impose any relief available to a person under sections 416.650 to 416.658.
3. Monetary awards or settlements recovered by the attorney general, aside from awards to a target, may be credited to the antitrust revolving fund and be similarly available for the payment of all costs and expenses incurred by the attorney general in investigation, prosecution, or enforcement of the provisions of sections 416.650 to 416.658.
(L. 2014 S.B. 706)