Grading of products — right to protest accuracy, procedure.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1981, 2 histories

196.550. Grading of products — right to protest accuracy, procedure. — Whenever milk or cream, whether it be grade "A" fluid or of manufacturing grade, is bought or sold, market tests conforming to sampling and testing procedures as prescribed by the most recent edition of the "Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists" and the "Standard Method for the Examination of Dairy Products" shall be used to determine the desired component content. It shall be unlawful for any person to manipulate, underread, or overread the test, or any other contrivance for determining the quality or value of milk or cream, or to falsify or fail to keep the record thereof, or to pay for such milk or cream on other than the true measurement, grade, weight and test; provided that, any person selling milk or cream who is dissatisfied with the grade or test designated for his milk or cream shall be entitled to receive pay for such milk or cream on the grade or test as made and reported to him without waiving his right to protest the accuracy thereof. Such seller shall have the right to have his milk or cream officially graded or tested under a procedure whereby he and the buyer thereof jointly take a sample of such milk or cream and submit such sample to an appropriate laboratory chosen by the director. The results of the test conducted shall be final and either the buyer or the seller shall be entitled to receive any financial adjustment due him on the basis of the test made as provided in this section.


(L. 1981 H.B. 52)

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