Egg containers to be marked or labeled.

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Effective - 28 Aug 1955

196.326. Egg containers to be marked or labeled. — Eggs, which have been graded as to quality and size for sale to consumers, shall not be prepared, packed, placed, delivered for shipment or sale, loaded, shipped, transported, or sold in bulk or in containers or subcontainers:

(1) Unless each container and subcontainer of eggs is marked with the full, correct and unabbreviated designation of size and quality of the eggs therein, according to the standards established by the director, together with the name and address of the producer, dealer, retailer, or agent by or for whom the eggs were graded or marked;

(2) Unless all markings on any container which do not properly and accurately apply to the eggs placed or packed therein have been removed, erased or obliterated;

(3) Which are mislabeled by the placing or presence of any false, deceptive or misleading mark, term, statement, design, device, inscription, or any other designation, upon any eggs or upon any container or subcontainer of eggs, or upon the label or lining or wrapper thereof, or upon any placard or sign used in connection therewith, or in connection with any bulk lot or display having reference to eggs;

(4) Which are deceptive by any arrangement of the contents of any container, or subcontainer, or of any lot, load, or display, in which the eggs in the outer layer or in any portion exposed to view are in quality, size, condition, or in any other respect so superior to those in the interior or unexposed portion as to materially misrepresent the contents or any part thereof as to size, quality, condition, or any other respects;

(5) Unless designations of size and quality upon containers and subcontainers of eggs shall be plainly and conspicuously marked in boldface type letters on a contrasting background of (a) not less than three-eighths of an inch in height on the outside top face of each container holding less than fifteen dozen eggs, and (b) not less than two inches in height on one outside end of any oblong container holding fifteen dozen or more eggs, and on one outside side of any other container holding fifteen dozen or more eggs.


(L. 1955 p. 701 § 196.320)

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