Trust fund established, purpose — reversion to general revenue prohibited.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2003

196.1100. Trust fund established, purpose — reversion to general revenue prohibited. — 1. There is hereby established in the state treasury the "Life Sciences Research Trust Fund" to be held separate and apart from all other public moneys and funds of the state, including but not limited to the tobacco securitization settlement trust fund established in section 8.550. The state treasurer shall deposit into the fund twenty-five percent of all moneys received from the master settlement agreement, as defined in section 196.1000, beginning in fiscal year 2007 and in perpetuity thereafter. Moneys in the fund shall not be subject to appropriation for purposes other than those provided in sections 196.1100 to 196.1130 without a majority vote in each house of the general assembly. All moneys in the fund shall be used for the purposes of sections 196.1100 to 196.1130 only. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, the moneys in the fund shall not revert to the credit of general revenue at the end of the biennium.

2. Moneys in the life sciences research trust fund shall be used strategically, in cooperation with other governmental and not-for-profit private entities, to enhance the capacity of the state of Missouri's ability to perform research to better serve the health and welfare of the residents of the state of Missouri as a center of life sciences research and development by building on the success of research institutions located in Missouri, creating in and attracting to Missouri new research and development institutions, commercializing the life sciences technologies developed by such institutions, and enhancing their capacity to carry out their respective missions.


(L. 2003 H.B. 688)

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