Effective - 28 Aug 1957
172.495. Southwest Missouri agricultural research center established — functions — acquisition of land. — 1. The board of curators of the University of Missouri shall establish in southwest Missouri an experimental farm and research facility to be known as the "Southwest Missouri Agricultural Research Center".
2. The university, through its College of Agriculture and under the supervision of the dean of the College of Agriculture, shall at the research center carry on investigations, research, experiments and demonstrations, which are supplemental to but not in lieu of any existing research and experimental facilities in the area, designed to aid in the development of the agricultural interests of southwest Missouri.
3. Such research, experiments and demonstrations shall include, by way of extension but not of limitation,
(1) The promulgation of plans and programs of experimentation and development of agricultural and horticultural products indigenous to southwest Missouri or which may, through research, study and experimentation be profitably produced and marketed;
(2) A study of soil conservation and irrigation;
(3) A study of marketing procedures and production patterns; and
(4) Such other research and study as may be deemed advisable for the development of the agricultural and domestic economy of this area.
4. The board of curators of the University of Missouri is authorized from funds available for such purpose to purchase the necessary land and accept a conveyance thereof in the name of the state of Missouri, or to acquire and accept in the name of the state any suitable land which may be donated for such purpose. In may also acquire options upon lands adjoining the lands purchased or donated.
(L. 1957 p. 480 §§ 1, 2)