Interagency council on transition created, definitions, members, qualifications, chairperson how selected — meetings, powers and duties — annual report, content.

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Effective - 28 Aug 2011

162.1000. Interagency council on transition created, definitions, members, qualifications, chairperson how selected — meetings, powers and duties — annual report, content. — 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean:

(1) "Transition", a coordinated set of activities for a student, designed within an outcome-oriented process, which promotes movement to integrated employment, including supported employment, postsecondary education, vocational training, continuing and adult education services, independent living and community participation. The coordinated set of activities shall be based upon the individual student's needs, taking into account the student's preferences and interests, and shall include, but not be limited to, instruction, community experiences, the development of employment and other postschool adult living objectives, and when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation;

(2) "Youth with disabilities", any person who is found eligible for special education as defined in federal Public Law 101-476, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

2. The individualized education program required for each student enrolled in special education shall include a statement of the needed transition services for students beginning not later than age sixteen and annually thereafter, and shall include, when appropriate, a statement of interagency responsibility or linkages before the student leaves the school setting.

3. The "Missouri Interagency Council on Transition" is hereby created within the division of special education, and shall be composed of the commissioner of the department of elementary and secondary education, the assistant commissioners of the division of vocational rehabilitation, the division of special education, and the division of vocational and adult education, the director of the department of health and senior services, the director of the division of maternal, child and family health, the director of the department of mental health, the director of the department of social services, the president of the Missouri planning council for developmental disabilities, the chairman of the Missouri brain injury advisory council, the president of the advisory council for comprehensive psychiatric services, the president of the Missouri Association for Rehabilitation Facilities, or their designees, a representative of the governor's council on disability, and seven professionals and consumer representatives with no less than three parents or primary consumers, to be appointed by the governor from names submitted by any interested agency or organization serving individuals with disabilities. At the first meeting a chair shall be selected from the members to serve a term of two years. The council shall meet at least quarterly, and at such other times at the call of the chair.

4. The Missouri interagency council on transition shall:

(1) Gather and coordinate data on transition services for secondary age youth with disabilities;

(2) Provide information, consultation, and technical assistance to state and local agencies and school districts involved in the delivery of services to youth with disabilities who are in transition from school to work or postsecondary transition programs;

(3) Assist state and local agencies and school districts in establishing interagency agreements to assure the necessary transition from school to work or postsecondary training programs;

(4) Conduct an annual statewide assessment of transition needs and postsecondary school outcomes from information supplied by local education agencies and local interagency transition committees;

(5) Assist regions and local areas in planning interagency in-service training to develop and improve transition services.

5. Members of the Missouri interagency council on transition shall receive no compensation for their services while serving on the council; however, members may receive reimbursement for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

6. Beginning on January 1, 1995, and on or before January first of each successive year, the council shall make a written report to the governor and to the general assembly of its activities for the preceding fiscal year. The council's annual report shall include recommendations for administrative and legislative policies and programs to enhance the delivery of transition services and supports.


(L. 1993 S.B. 321 § 1, A.L. 2011 H.B. 464)

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