The form of affidavit may be as follows:
Affidavit for search warrant. "State of Mississippi, County. This day personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer of said county, of said county, who is known to be a credible person, who upon his oath says that he has reason to believe, and does believe, that intoxicating liquor is being (strike out any of the following not to be sworn to): (1) Stored, kept, owned, controlled or possessed for purposes of sale in violation of law, (2) Sold or offered for sale in violation of law, (3) Manufactured or distilled, in violation of law, (4) Attempted to be manufactured or distilled in violation of law, (5) Attempted to be transported in violation of law, in the residence, outhouses, barns, stalls, smokehouses, crib, and in the field, yard, and garden and woods near the residence of in the district of said County, Mississippi, and on Section Township , Range in said County, Mississippi, and more particularly described as follows: in violation of the laws of the state of Mississippi. And that intoxicating liquor is being transported and attempted to be transported in a wagon, cart, automobile, or other vehicle along the public road in said county known as public road, in violation of the laws of said state of Mississippi. And this belief is not feigned of malice against who is believed to be guilty of said violations, but is founded on credible information. Wherefore, affiant prays a search warrant directing a search of the above mentioned places and things, and seizure of the intoxicating liquor, stills, or integral parts thereof, and of the vehicles and receptacles used and employed in the concealment and transportation thereof, and the arrest of the said and any other person or persons in charge, possession or control, guilty of violating the prohibition laws of the state. Affiant. Sworn to and subscribed before me, the day of 2. (Official title)"
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