Any person not being a member of the Confederate Veterans, of the Daughters of the Confederacy, of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, of the Sons of the American Revolution, of the Daughters of the American Revolution, of the Colonial Dames, of the Grand Army of the Republic, of the Sons of Veterans, of the Woman's Relief Corps, of the Military Order of the Foreign Wars of the United States, or the American Legion, of the American Legion Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, Disabled American Veterans, Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, American Veterans of World War II, American Veterans of World War II Auxiliary, of the Masons, of the Woodmen of the World, of the Knights of Pythias, or of any other patriotic or fraternal organization, who shall wilfully wear the insignia, distinctive ribbons or membership rosette or button or any imitation thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Provided however that these emblems may be worn, by consent, by those nearest of kin.