Except as otherwiseprovided in subsection (d), the law of the issuing state or foreigncountry governs:
In a proceedingfor arrearages under a registered support order, the statute of limitationof this state or of the issuing state or foreign country, whicheveris longer, applies.
A respondingtribunal of this state shall apply the procedures and remedies ofthis state to enforce current support and collect arrearages and interestdue on a support order of another state or a foreign country registeredin this state.
After a tribunalof this state or another state determines which is the controllingorder and issues an order consolidating arrearages, if any, a tribunalof this state shall prospectively apply the law of the state or foreigncountry issuing the controlling order, including its law on intereston arrearages, on current and future support and on consolidated arrearages.