Special terms; jurisdiction; juries for

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At a special term the circuit court may impanel grand and petit juries, and shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all civil and criminal business, in the same manner as at a regular term.

Parties and witnesses shall be bound to attend; and witnesses duly subpoenaed or bound by recognizance, shall be subject to the same penalties for failure to attend as if such failure had occurred at a regular term. On receiving the order for a special term, if it be held because of a failure of a regular term, the proper officers shall open the envelopes containing the names of the jurors for such regular term, if it has not been done, and the venire facias shall issue and the jurors be summoned as required by law; but if there be no such envelopes, the jurors shall be drawn as provided in case of a failure of the judge to draw them. The judge may direct whether jurors shall be summoned and how they shall be drawn.

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