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The Eleventh Circuit Court District is composed of the following counties:
Bolivar County;
Coahoma County;
Quitman County; and
Tunica County.
The Eleventh Circuit Court District shall be divided into three (3) subdistricts as follows:
Subdistrict 11-1 shall consist of the following precincts from the following counties:
Bolivar County: Benoit, Beulah, Boyle, Choctaw, Cleveland Courthouse, East Central Cleveland*, East Cleveland*, East Rosedale, Gunnison, Longshot, North Cleveland, Northwest Cleveland*, Pace, Scott, Shaw, Skene, South Cleveland*, Stringtown, West Central Cleveland, West Cleveland and West Rosedale; and
Subdistrict 11-2 shall consist of the following precincts from the following counties:
Bolivar County: Cleveland Eastgate, Duncan/Alligator, East Central Cleveland*, East Cleveland*, Merigold, Mound Bayou, Northwest Cleveland*, Renova, Shelby, South Cleveland* and Winstonville;
Coahoma County: Cagle Crossing, Clarksdale 1-4*, Clarksdale 3-3, Clarksdale 3-4, Clarksdale 4-2, Clarksdale 4-3, Dublin and Roundaway; and
Quitman County: Belen*, District 3 South*, Lambert, Northwest Marks, Southwest Marks and West Lambert.
Subdistricts 11-3 shall consist of Tunica County and the following precincts in the following counties:
Coahoma County: Clarksdale 1-4*, Clarksdale 2-4*, Clarksdale 5-4*, Coahoma, Farrell*, Friar's Point, Jonestown, Lula, Lyon and Sherard*; and
Quitman County: Belen*, Crenshaw, Crowder, Darling, District 3 North, District 3 South* and Sledge.