The bond for an attachment for rent or supplies may be in the following form, viz.:
"We, , principal, and and , sureties, bind ourselves to pay the sum of dollars, unless the said principal obligor herein shall pay to the said all such damages as he shall sustain by reason of the wrongful suing out of an attachment for rent and supplies [if for rent only, strike out the words ‘and supplies;' and if for supplies only, strike out the words ‘rent and'] in favor of said principal obligor against the said obligee for dollars, for rent and supplies [if for rent only, strike out the words ‘and supplies;' and if for supplies only, strike out the words ‘rent and'] due and in arrears [or if the attachment be for a debt to become due, strike out the words ‘due and in arrears,' and insert ‘to become due on the day of , A.D. '] upon certain leased premises, in County. "Witness our hands, this the day of , A.D. ", " "The above bond is approved by me, this day of , A.D. . ", J.P."
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