may file its or its parent's Section 404 Report and an addendum in satisfaction of the requirements of this section provided that those internal controls of the insurer or group of insurers having a material impact on the preparation of the insurer's or group of insurers' audited statutory financial statements were included in the scope of the Section 404 Report. The addendum shall be a positive statement by management that there are no material processes with respect to the preparation of the insurer's or group of insurers' audited statutory financial statements excluded from the Section 404 Report. If there are internal controls of the insurer or group of insurers that have a material impact on the preparation of the insurer's or group of insurers' audited statutory financial statements and those internal controls were not included in the scope of the Section 404 Report, the insurer or group of insurers may either file (i) a report required pursuant to this section, or (ii) the Section 404 Report and a report required pursuant to this section for those internal controls that have a material impact on the preparation of the insurer's or group of insurers' audited statutory financial statements not covered by the Section 404 Report.