Deposit in name of two or more persons; payments to successors of deceased depositors without administration; "successor" defined
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When a deposit has been made or is hereafter made in the name of two (2) or more persons, payable to any one (1) of those persons, or payable to any one (1) of those persons or the survivor, or payable to any one (1) of those persons or to the survivor or survivors, or payable to the persons as joint tenants, the deposit or any part thereof or interest or dividends thereon may be paid to any one (1) of those persons, without liability whether one or more of those persons is living or not, and the receipt of acquittance of the person so paid shall be a valid and sufficient release and discharge to the bank for any payment so made. The making of a deposit in that form, or the making of additions thereto, shall create a presumption in any action or proceeding to which either the bank or any survivor is a party of the intention of all the persons named on the deposit to vest title to the deposit and the additions thereto and all interest or dividends thereon in the survivor or survivors.
Any bank may pay to the successor of a deceased depositor, without necessity of administration, any sum to the credit of the decedent not exceeding Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00), without liability to any other persons, relatives or beneficiaries, and the receipt of acquittance of the person so paid shall be a valid and sufficient release and discharge to the bank for any payment so made. This section shall apply to all banking institutions, including national banks and postal savings banks within the state. The term "deposit" as used in this section shall include, but not be limited to, any form of deposit or account, such as a savings account, checking account, time deposit, demand deposit or certificate of deposit, whether negotiable, nonnegotiable or otherwise.
For the purposes of this subsection, "successor" means the decedent's spouse; or, if there is no surviving spouse of the decedent, then the adult with whom any minor children of the decedent are residing; or, if there is no surviving spouse or minor children of the decedent, then any adult child of the decedent; or, if there is no surviving spouse or children of the decedent, then either parent of the decedent; or, if there is no surviving spouse, children or parent of the decedent, then any adult sibling of the decedent.