Any unclaimed dividends remaining in the hands of the commissioner for six (6) months after the order for final distributions shall be held in trust for the several creditors of the liquidated state trust company; and the money so held by the commissioner shall be paid over to the persons respectively entitled thereto as and when satisfactory evidence of their right to the same is furnished. In case of doubtful or conflicting claims the commissioner shall have authority to apply to the chancery court, by motion in the pending action, for an order from the chancellor of the district directing the payment of the moneys so claimed. When issues of fact are raised by motion, the same may, upon request of any claimant, be determined as in other civil actions. The interest earned on the unclaimed dividend so held shall be applied toward defraying the expenses incurred in the distribution of such unclaimed dividends. The balance of interest, if any, shall be deposited and held as other funds to the credit of the commissioner. After the commissioner has held the unclaimed dividends held in trust under the provisions of this statute for the creditors of the liquidated state trust company for a period of ten (10) years, the commissioner may pay the principal amount of such unclaimed dividends to the State Treasurer, to be held by the State Treasurer without liability for profit or interest until a just claim therefor shall be made by the parties entitled thereto. Upon payment of unclaimed dividends to the State Treasurer, the commissioner shall be fully discharged from all further liability therefor.