Journal of mortgage transactions for Mississippi residential loans that licensee originates and/or funds; journal of serviced loans for Mississippi residential loans that licensee owns and/or services
Journal of mortgage transactions for Mississippi residential loans that licensee originates and/or funds; journal of serviced loans for Mississippi residential loans that licensee owns and/or services
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Each licensee shall maintain a journal of mortgage transactions at the principal place of business as stated on its license for all Mississippi residential loans that the licensee originated and/or funded. This journal shall be separate from non-Mississippi loans. The journal shall include at least the following information:
Name of applicant and co-applicant, if applicable;
Date of application;
Disposition of loan application, indicating date of loan closing, loan denial, withdrawal and name of lender if applicable;
Property address;
Loan amount;
Loan program; and
Loan originator.
Each licensee shall maintain a journal of serviced loans at the principal place of business as stated on its license, for all Mississippi residential loans that the licensee owns and/or services. This journal shall be kept separate from non-Mississippi loans. The journal shall include at least the following information:
The number of mortgage loans the licensee is servicing;
The type and characteristics of the loans;
The number of serviced loans in default, along with a breakdown of thirty-, sixty- and ninety-day delinquencies;
Information on loss mitigation activities, including details on workout arrangements undertaken and date loss mitigation application was submitted/approved/denied;
Information on foreclosures commenced and completed;
Name of applicant and co-applicant, if applicable; and
Date the loan was boarded/deboarded, if applicable.