Every association incorporated pursuant to or operating under the provisions of this chapter shall have all the powers enumerated, authorized and permitted by this chapter and such other rights, privileges and powers as may be incidental to or reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the objects and purposes of this chapter. Every association shall have the following powers:
To be organized for a period not to exceed ninety-nine (99) years, but renewable for additional periods of ninety-nine (99) years in the same manner as the original charter was secured; to adopt and use a corporate seal, which may be affixed by imprint, facsimile or otherwise; and to adopt and amend bylaws as provided in this chapter;
To sue and be sued, complain and defend in any court of law or equity;
To acquire, hold, sell, dispose of and convey real and personal estate incidental to its business as a thrift institution, to mortgage, pledge or lease real or personal estate, and to take property by gifts, devise or bequest, provided that such powers are consistent with the objects and powers granted by this chapter;
An association may accept such savings accounts or other accounts as are authorized by its board of directors and approved by the general regulation of the commissioner not inconsistent with this chapter. The savings deposits may be evidenced by certificates of deposit, passbooks or such other evidence of deposit or account as the board of directors may prescribe. An association may pay interest on its deposits or other accounts from any sources available for such payment at such rate and at such times and for such time or notice periods as are determined by resolution of its board of directors within the limitation set by the commissioner. The board of directors shall determine by resolution the method of calculating the interest on deposits or other accounts and the time when and manner in which interest is to be paid or credited. Such methods shall comply with the regulations issued by the commissioner as to calculation and payment of interest;
An association may borrow up to twenty-five percent (25%) of its savings liability and net worth for lending purposes; an association may borrow an additional twenty-five percent (25%) of its savings liability and net worth for the purpose of making loans guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration, a private mortgage guaranty insurance company licensed to do business in this state, or by the Veterans Administration; an association may borrow up to fifty percent (50%) of its savings liability and net worth to pay withdrawals. Borrowing of additional amounts for purchase or construction of a home office or branch office is authorized, but only with approval of the commissioner. Subsequent reduction of savings liability and net worth shall not in any way affect outstanding obligations, but shall be reported to the commissioner and steps taken to comply within a reasonable time. The directors may pledge or authorize the officers to pledge any assets of the association to secure any loans herein permitted. For the purpose of this paragraph, use of savings accounts in the association shall not be considered borrowing;
To sell without recourse any loan, including any participating interests therein, at any time; notwithstanding the limitations of this subsection, loans may be assigned for collateral purposes with recourse to any federal home loan bank of which the association is a member;
To obtain and maintain insurance of its savings accounts with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or an agency of this state established for the purpose of insuring savings accounts of associations organized under this chapter;
To qualify as and become a member of a federal home loan bank;
To appoint officers, agents and employees as its business shall require and to provide them suitable compensation; to provide for life, health and casualty insurance for officers and employees, and to adopt and operate reasonable bonus plans and retirement benefits for such officers and employees; and to provide for reimbursement and indemnification of its officers, employees and directors as prescribed or permitted in this chapter, whether by insurance or otherwise;
To become a member of, deal with or make reasonable payments or contributions to any organization to the extent that such organization assists in furthering or facilitating the association's purposes, powers or community responsibilities, and to comply with any reasonable conditions of eligibility;
To maintain and let safes, boxes or other receptacles for the safekeeping of personal property upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon;
To sell money orders, travel checks and similar instruments drawn by it on its bank accounts or as agent for any organization empowered to sell such instruments through agents within this state;
If and when an association is a member of a federal home loan bank, to act as fiscal agent of the United States, and, when so designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, to perform, under such regulations as he may prescribe, all such reasonable duties as fiscal agent of the United States as he may require;
To service loans and investments for others;
Upon application to and approval by the commissioner, to act as trustee, and to receive reasonable compensation for so acting, of any trust created or organized in the United States and forming part of a plan which qualifies for specific tax treatment under Section 401(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, including any Keogh or IRA plan, or any trust created or organized in the United States for the purpose of paying burial or cemetery expenses, if the funds of such trust are invested only in savings accounts or deposits in such association or in obligations or securities issued by such association. All funds held in such fiduciary capacity by any such association may be commingled for appropriate purposes of investment, but individual records shall be kept by the fiduciary for each participant and shall show in proper detail all transactions engaged in under the authority of this subsection;
To acquire savings and pay earnings thereon, and to lend and invest its funds as provided in this chapter;
To appoint a registered agent of the association upon whom any process, notice or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the association shall, if such agent is appointed, be served;
To have and possess such of the rights, powers, privileges, immunities, duties and obligations of a federal savings and loan association located in this state as may be prescribed by the board by general regulation under the circumstances and conditions set out therein. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this paragraph (r) and any other provision of this chapter, the provisions of this paragraph shall control;
To act as agent for others in any transaction incidental to the operation of the association's business;
To issue, sell or negotiate or advertise for the issuance and sale of debt securities to the extent authorized by the commissioner.