The name of a limited partnership may contain the name of any partner.
The name of a limited partnership that is not a limited liability limited partnership must contain the words "limited partnership" or the abbreviation "LP" or "L.P." and may not contain the phrase "limited liability limited partnership" or the abbreviation "LLLP" or "L.L.L.P.".
The name of a limited liability limited partnership must contain the phrase "limited liability limited partnership" or the abbreviation "LLLP" or "L.L.L.P." and must not contain the abbreviation "LP" or "L.P.".
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (g), the name of a limited partnership, and the name under which a foreign limited partnership may register to do business in this state, must be distinguishable on the records of the Secretary of State from any:
If a person consents in a record to the use of its name and submits an undertaking in a form satisfactory to the Secretary of State to change its name to a name that is distinguishable on the records of the Secretary of State from any name in any category of names in subsection (d), the name of the consenting person may be used by the person to which the consent was given.
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (g), in determining whether a name is the same as or not distinguishable on the records of the Secretary of State from the name of another person, words, phrases, or abbreviations indicating the type of person, such as "corporation," "corp.," "incorporated," "Inc.," "professional corporation," "PC," "P.C.," "professional association," "PA," "P.A.," "Limited," "Ltd.," "limited partnership," "LP," "L.P.," "limited liability partnership," "LLP" "L.L.P.," "registered limited liability partnership," "RLLP," "R.L.L.P.," "limited liability limited partnership," "LLLP," "L.L.L.P.," "registered limited liability limited partnership," "RLLLP," "R.L.L.L.P.," "limited liability company," "LLC," "L.L.C.," "limited cooperative association," "limited cooperative," "LCA," or "L.C.A." may not be taken into account.
A person may consent in a record to the use of a name that is not distinguishable on the records of the Secretary of State from its name except for the addition of a word, phrase, or abbreviation indicating the type of person as provided in subsection (f). In such a case, the person need not change its name pursuant to subsection (e).
The name of a limited partnership may not contain the words "bank," "banker," "bankers," "banking," "trust company," "insurance," "trust," "corporation," "incorporated," or any combination thereof, or any words of similar import.
A limited partnership or foreign limited partnership may use a name that is not distinguishable from a name described in subsection (d)(1) through (5) if:
The partnership delivers to the Secretary of State a certified copy of a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction establishing the right of the partnership to use the name in this state; or
The other limited partnership or person consents to the use in writing and submits an undertaking in a form satisfactory to the Secretary of State to change its name to a name that is distinguishable upon the records of the Secretary of State from the name of the applying limited partnership.