Registration as professional fund-raiser or fund-raising counsel; bond; filing annual report

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No person shall act as a professional fund-raiser or fund-raising counsel for a charitable organization before he has registered with the Secretary of State or after the expiration or cancellation of such registration or any renewal thereof. Applications for registration and renewals shall be in writing sworn to under penalties of perjury in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and accompanied by the filing of a fee of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00). The professional fund-raiser applicant, at the time of making application, shall file with the State Treasurer and have approved by the Secretary of State a bond in which the applicant shall be the principal obligor in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) with one or more corporate sureties licensed to do business in this state whose liability in the aggregate will at least equal such sum. The bond shall run to the Secretary of State for the use of the state and to any person who may have a cause of action against the obligor of the bond for any malfeasance or misfeasance in the conduct of such solicitation; provided, that the aggregate limit of liability of the surety to the state and to all such persons shall, in no event, exceed the sum of such bond. Such limitation of liability, as to the sum of the bond, as to the surety, shall not otherwise affect any liability to any person by any charitable organization, professional fund-raiser, professional solicitor or any other person for a violation of this chapter. Registration when effected shall be for a period of one (1) year, or a part thereof, expiring on June 30 or on such other date as prescribed by rule and may be renewed upon written application, under oath, in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and upon the remittance of the renewal fee of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) and the filing of the bond for additional one-year periods. Every professional fund-raiser and fund-raising counsel required to register pursuant to Sections 79-11-501 through 79-11-529 shall file an annual written report with the Secretary of State containing such information and documentation as he may require by rule.

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