Competition with proposed system barred for six months after filing of maps and statement of proposed operation
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Whenever a corporation or association organized under the provisions of Article 5 of this chapter (hereafter referred to in this article as the "filing corporation") or whenever a group of persons which has formed a temporary organization with the intention of forming such a corporation or association under said laws, shall file with the Mississippi Rural Electrification Authority (hereafter referred to in this article as the "authority") a map or maps indicating the area or areas in which the operations of said filing corporation are intended to be conducted, together with a statement verified by oath or affirmation to the effect that a majority of the potential users of electric energy, not then receiving central station electric service in said area or areas, has signified in writing its willingness to take service from the proposed system of said filing corporation it shall be unlawful for an electric utility, power and light company, person or corporation, after receipt of any notice provided in this article of the filing of said map or maps and statement, to begin the construction of any electric distribution lines within said area or areas or to solicit customers for electric service therein or in any manner to conflict, interfere or compete with the proposed system of said filing corporation, until after the expiration of six (6) months from the date of said filing of said map or maps and statement.
The words "area" or "areas" as used herein in connection with the maps to be filed by said filing corporation shall be deemed to mean the area or areas which may be served in normal practice by secondary voltage extensions from the primary voltage lines indicated in said maps, which in any event shall not be less than fifteen hundred (1500) feet from either side of said primary lines.