Maintenance surcharge on local exchange access facilities; Dual Party Relay Service Trust Fund; source of funds; use of funds; charges for use of relay service; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

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  1. The Public Service Commission may impose upon all local exchange telephone companies operating in the State of Mississippi a monthly relay service fee in an amount to be determined by the commission based upon the amount of funding necessary to accomplish the purposes of this article and to provide dual party telephone relay services on a continuous basis. Such fees shall be paid by the local exchange companies to the credit of the Dual Party Relay Service Trust Fund. The commission may authorize local exchange companies to recover relay service fees through a surcharge on their customers in the manner prescribed by the commission. The relay service fees remitted by the local exchange companies shall not be subject to any tax, fee or assessment, nor shall it be considered revenue of the local exchange companies. The Dual Party Relay Service Trust Fund shall be credited with all interest income and earnings of the fund. The fund shall be established, invested and managed for the exclusive purpose of fulfilling the provisions of this article according to rules and regulations established by the Public Service Commission.
  2. Monies in the fund shall also include any appropriations authorized by the Legislature, any available funds authorized by the Public Service Commission, grants from other governmental or private entities, and any contributions or donations received by the Public Service Commission for the dual party relay service. All monies in the Dual Party Relay Service Trust Fund shall be used solely for the administration and operation of a statewide program to provide telecommunications access to persons who are speech and hearing impaired or similarly impaired.
  3. The users of the relay service shall be charged for telephone services, without additional charges for the use of the relay service other than any surcharge which may be imposed upon them under this section. The calling or called party shall bear an expense for making intrastate nonlocal calls considered and approved by the Public Service Commission as being equitable in comparison with non-TDD or DPR service customers.
  4. From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.
  5. From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.

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