Requirements for placing calls using automatic dialing-announcing devices

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  1. Automatic dialing-announcing devices may be used to place calls over telephone lines only pursuant to a prior agreement between the persons involved, by which the person called has agreed that he or she consents to receive such calls from the person calling, or as specified in subsection (2) of this section.
  2. Whenever telephone calls are placed through the use of an automatic dialing-announcing device, such device shall be operated by a person who shall do all of the following:
    1. State the nature of the call and the name, address and telephone number of the business or organization being represented, if any.
    2. Inquire whether the person called consents to hear the prerecorded message of the person calling.
    3. Disconnect the automatic dialing-announcing device from the telephone line upon the termination of the call by either the person calling or the person called.

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