Establishment of Public Utilities Staff Regulation Fund; administration generally; annual audits; disbursements from fund
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There is hereby established in the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the "Public Utilities Staff Regulation Fund." Such fund shall be the sole fund of the Public Utilities Staff for all monies collected and deposited to the credit of or appropriated to the Public Utilities Staff. The fund shall be administered as provided in this section and Section 77-3-87 and shall be audited annually by the State Auditor.
The Department of Finance and Administration shall advise the Public Utilities Staff of the amount of money on hand in the "Public Utilities Staff Regulation Fund" from time to time. All expenses of the Public Utilities Staff shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrants issued by the State Fiscal Officer, and the State Fiscal Officer shall issue his warrants upon requisitions signed by the Executive Director of the Public Utilities Staff. All disbursements made by the executive director from the fund for any purposes, other than salaries, shall be supported by a detailed and itemized statement approved by the executive director. The salaries of all employees of the Public Utilities Staff shall be paid out of the appropriations made to defray the expenses of the Public Utilities Staff upon requisitions and warrants as provided herein. Of the revenue arising from the increased regulatory tax imposed in Section 77-3-87, an amount not less than Three Hundred Fifty-four Thousand One Hundred Thirty-nine Dollars ($354,139.00) may be expended by the executive director for operating increase and salaries to fund additional accounting and telecommunication positions for the Public Utilities Staff. An itemized account shall be kept of all receipts and expenditures and shall be reported to the Legislature by the Public Utilities Staff.