At the time of death, if the contract provider provides the merchandise and services indicated in the contract, the contract provider shall furnish to the trustee a copy of the preneed contract, contract owner's death certificate or proof of death, and a letter of performance indicating that the contracted merchandise and services were provided by the contract provider to the contract insured. Upon receipt of the letter of performance and death certificate, or proof of death, the trustee shall pay to the contract provider all funds, which shall not be less than the amount deposited in trust. In the limited instance only when a preneed provider furnishes a personalized, engraved marker, headstone or monument before death, the trustee may disburse to the preneed provider compensation for the engraved marker, headstone or monument as well as any associated engraving, setting or delivery fees. In those instances, no disbursement from the trust shall be made until the trustee receives from the preneed provider a delivery ticket or invoice, documentation for the engraving of identifying information regarding the purchaser, and a letter of performance indicating that the engraved marker, headstone or monument has been provided. Any trust officer or trust institution that releases trust funds for funeral services or merchandise in a manner contrary with the provisions of this article shall be liable for the same. Furthermore, any trustee or trust institution that engages in fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or misappropriation of trust funds to the detriment of a contract provider or a contract insured shall be liable for the same.