The assertionscontained in the communication lack a reasonable basis in fact orlaw because: - The person assertingthe patent is not a person, or does not represent a person, with thecurrent right to license the patent to, or to enforce the patent against,the intended recipient or any affiliated person;
- The communicationseeks compensation for a patent that has been held to be invalid orunenforceable in a final, unappealable or unappealed judicial or administrativedecision;
- The communicationseeks compensation on account of activities undertaken after the patenthas expired; or
- The content ofthe communication fails to include the information necessary to informan intended recipient or any affiliated person about the patent assertionby failing to include any one of the following:
1. The identityof the person asserting a right to license the patent to or enforcethe patent against the intended recipient or any affiliated person;
2. The patent numberissued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office alleged tohave been infringed; or
3. The factual allegationsconcerning the specific areas in which the intended recipient or affiliatedperson's products, services, or technology infringed the patentor are covered by the claims in the patent.