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An applicant may be licensed by demonstrating proof that the applicant holds a valid, current license in another state with similar educational requirements to those required by this chapter, and that all other licensure requirements under this chapter are met. This is subject to investigation by the board and excludes grandfathering by other states.
If an individual who is licensed in another state that has licensing standards substantially equivalent to the standards under this chapter applies for licensure, the board may issue a provisional permit authorizing the applicant to practice massage therapy pending completion of documentation that the applicant meets the requirements for licensure under this chapter. The provisional permit may reflect statutory limitations on the scope of practice. The provisional permit shall not be issued until an applicant has successfully passed the Mississippi State Law Examination.
A current massage therapy license issued by the board shall at all times be prominently displayed in any place where massage therapy is being practiced.
A license issued under this chapter is not transferable or assignable.
The issuance of a license or provisional permit by reciprocity to a military-trained applicant or military spouse shall be subject to the provisions of Section 73-50-1.