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The board shall report to the proper district attorney all cases that, in the judgment of the board, warrant prosecution.
Massage therapists or establishments may not be discriminated against regarding business licenses and shall be treated as any other health care profession.
Any civil penalty imposed under this section shall become due and payable when the person incurring the penalty receives a notice in writing of the penalty. The notice shall be sent by registered or certified mail. The person to whom the notice is addressed shall have thirty (30) days from the date of mailing of the notice in which to make written application for a hearing. Any person who makes that application shall be entitled to a hearing. The hearing shall be conducted as a contested case hearing. When an order assessing a civil penalty under this section becomes final by operation of law or on appeal, unless the amount of penalty is paid within ten (10) days after the order becomes final, it may be recorded with the circuit clerk in any county of this state. The clerk shall then record the name of the person incurring the penalty and the amount of the penalty in his lien record book.
Where the board proposes to refuse to grant or renew a license or proposes to revoke or suspend a license, an opportunity for a hearing shall be accorded. The board may designate any competent person(s) to preside at the hearing. The board shall promulgate rules for the conduct of hearings and issuance of orders.
The board may adopt rules requiring any person, including, but not limited to, licensed massage therapists, corporations, organizations, health care facilities and state or local governmental agencies to report to the board any conviction, determination or finding that a holder of a license has committed an act that constitutes unprofessional conduct, or to report information that indicates that the holder of a license may not be able to practice his profession with reasonable skill and safety to consumers as a result of a mental, emotional or physical condition. If the entity fails to furnish a required report, the board may petition the circuit court of the county in which the entity resides or is found, and the court shall issue to the entity an order to furnish the required report. A failure to obey the order is a contempt of court.
A person is immune from civil liability, whether direct or derivative, for providing information to the board.
Upon the complaint of any citizen of this state, or upon its own motion, the board may investigate any alleged violation of this chapter. In the conduct of investigations, the board may take evidence; take the depositions of witnesses, including the person charged; compel the appearance of witnesses, including the person charged, before the board in person the same as in civil cases; require answers to interrogations; and compel the production of books, papers, accounts, documents and testimony pertaining to the matter under investigation.
The board shall make available, upon request, written appeals procedures for anyone whose license has been denied, suspended or revoked, and/or for anyone accused of violating any provisions of this chapter.
Any time the board intends to deny an application for licensure, or suspend or revoke an existing license, the board shall give the person an opportunity for a hearing before taking final action.