Application for license; admission to state board examinations; license by endorsement; temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine; display of license
Application for license; admission to state board examinations; license by endorsement; temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine; display of license
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To obtain a license to practice veterinary medicine, a person shall file a written application and application fee with the board.The application shall show that the applicant is a graduate of an accredited college of veterinary medicine or has the educational equivalence as set by the board.The application shall also show that the applicant is a person of good moral character and any other information and proof as the board may require.
If the board determines that the applicant possesses the proper qualifications, it shall admit the applicant to the next examination, or if the applicant is eligible for license by endorsement, the board may grant him a license.If an applicant is found not qualified to take the examination or for a license by endorsement, the board shall notify the applicant in writing within thirty (30) days of its finding and the grounds for its findings.An applicant found unqualified may request a hearing before the board.
The board may grant a temporary license to an applicant to practice veterinary medicine until the scheduled state board examination, if the applicant pays the application fee, provides sufficient evidence that he meets the qualifications for licensure, and provides evidence that he resides in the State of Mississippi.The board may grant a second temporary permit, but the board may not grant more than two (2) temporary permits to any one (1) person.
A person licensed by the board shall display the license in the facility in which the licensee practices.