Exemptions from licensing requirement

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This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit:

Any employee of the federal, state or local government performing his official duties.

Any student in an accredited college of veterinary medicine or an accredited program in veterinary technology performing duties or actions assigned by instructors or working under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

Any person advising or performing acts that the board has designated by rule as accepted livestock management practices.

Any person providing consultation to a licensed veterinarian in this state on the care and management of a patient.

Any member in good standing of another licensed or regulated profession within any state, or any member of an organization or group approved by the board, providing assistance requested by a veterinarian licensed in the state, acting with informed consent from the client, and acting under the direct or indirect supervision and control of the licensed veterinarian.Providing assistance involves hands-on active participation in the treatment and care of the patient.The licensed veterinarian shall maintain responsibility for the veterinarian-client-patient relationship.

Any veterinarian employed by an accredited college of veterinary medicine providing assistance requested by a veterinarian licensed in the state, acting with informed consent from the client, and acting under the direct or indirect supervision and control of the licensed veterinarian.Providing assistance involves hands-on active participation in the treatment and care of the patient.The licensed veterinarian shall maintain responsibility for the veterinarian-client-patient relationship.

Any pharmacist, merchant or manufacturer selling at his regular place of business medicines, feed, appliances or other products used in the prevention or treatment of animal diseases as permitted by law.

Any person lawfully engaged in horseshoeing.

Any person rendering advice without expectation of compensation.

Any owner of an animal and any of the owner's regular employees caring for and treating the animal belonging to such owner, except when the ownership of the animal was transferred for purposes of circumventing this chapter.A veterinarian-client-patient relationship must exist when prescription drugs or nonprescription drugs intended for extralabel use are administered, dispensed or prescribed.

Any instructor at an accredited college of veterinary medicine or accredited program in veterinary technology performing his regular functions or any person lecturing or giving instructions or demonstrations at an accredited college of veterinary medicine, accredited program in veterinary technology or in a veterinary or veterinary technology continuing education course or seminar.

Any person selling or applying pesticides, insecticides or herbicides as permitted by law.

Any person engaging in bona fide scientific research that reasonably requires experimentation involving animals.

Any certified veterinary technician or other employee of a licensed veterinarian performing duties other than diagnosis, prognosis, prescription or surgery under the direction and supervision of the veterinarian who shall be responsible for the performance of the employee.

Any graduate of a nonaccredited college of veterinary medicine who is in the process of obtaining educational equivalence and is performing duties or actions assigned by instructors in an accredited college of veterinary medicine.

Any person who, without expectation of compensation, provides emergency veterinary care in an emergency or disaster situation.

Any animal shelter employee acting under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian or authorized by the board to perform euthanasia in the course and scope of employment.

Any wildlife rehabilitator that is licensed by a federal or state agency performing duties in accordance with its licensure authority.

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