A law student who meets the qualifications set forth in this article may petition a circuit court, chancery court, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi and present the oath in the following form:
The undersigned,_______________ , does state and affirm that I am a law student who has the qualifications for admission to limited practice under the Law Student Limited Practice Act, Section 73-3-201 et seq., Mississippi Code of 1972, and seek the authority of this court to engage in limited practice under that act.
I do, upon my oath, solemnly swear (or affirm) that when granted that authority I will demean myself in accord with the conditions and limitations of the Law Student Limited Practice Act according to the best of my learning and ability and with all good fidelity as well to the court as to the client; that I will use no falsehood nor delay any person's cause for lucre or malice, and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Mississippi so long as I continue a citizen thereof.
It is therefore prayed that this court order my admission to limited practice pursuant to said act."
The filing of the petition signed by the law student will constitute a sworn statement by the student under oath.