Board of review

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The Board of Review may on its own motion affirm, modify, or set aside any decision of an appeal tribunal on the basis of the evidence previously submitted in such case, or direct the taking of additional evidence, or may permit any of the parties to such decision to initiate further appeals before it. The Board of Review shall permit such further appeal by any of the parties to a decision of an appeal tribunal which is not unanimous, and by the examiner whose decision has been overruled or modified by an appeal tribunal. The Board of Review may remove to itself or transfer to another appeal tribunal the proceedings on any claim pending before an appeal tribunal. Any proceedings so removed to the Board of Review shall be heard by a quorum thereof in accordance with the requirements of Section 71-5-519 and within fifteen (15) days after notice of appeal has been received by the executive director. No notice of appeal shall be deemed to be received by the executive director, within the meaning of this section, until all prior appeals pending before the Board of Review have been heard. The Board of Review shall, within four (4) days after its decision, so notify the parties to any proceeding of its findings and decision.

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