Liability of sheriff for failure to execute warrant

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If any sheriff shall fail to return any warrant directed to him as herein provided on the return day thereof, the commission shall be entitled to recover judgment against the sheriff and the sureties on his official bond for the amount of the warrant and all costs, with lawful interest thereon until paid, together with ten per centum (10%) of the full amount thereof as damages, to be recovered by suit against the sheriff and his sureties by the commission. If any sheriff shall falsely make a nulla bona return on any warrant directed to him as herein provided, the commission shall be entitled to recover judgment against the sheriff and the sureties on his official bond for such amount as he could reasonably have made under such warrant and all costs, together with lawful interest thereon until paid, together with ten per centum (10%) thereon as damages, to be recovered by a suit against the sheriff and his sureties by the commission.

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