Collection by warrant

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If an employer shall file a report in proper form and in proper amount, but shall fail to pay the amount of contributions shown to be due thereby at the time of such filing, or if an employer shall fail to pay any assessment as provided and made under Section 71-5-365 within fifteen (15) days after such assessment has become final as herein provided, the department may issue a warrant under its official seal, directed to the sheriff of any county of the state, commanding him to levy upon and sell the real and personal property of such employer as has defaulted in the payment of such contributions or assessments, which may be found within his county, for the payment of the amount thereof, together with interest, damages, if any, assessed for failure to make and file a report or a corrected or sufficient report, and an additional sum not exceeding one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the unpaid contributions due, in the discretion of the department, as damages for failure to pay, if not already assessed under Section 71-5-365 and the costs of executing the warrant and to return such warrant to the department, and to pay to it the money collected by virtue thereof on the date specified therein. The department shall cause to be delivered to the clerk of the circuit court a copy of such warrant issued to the sheriff. Such clerk shall enter in the judgment roll, in the column for judgment debtors, the name of the employer mentioned in the warrant and, in appropriate columns, the amount of contributions, interest and damages for which the warrant is issued, a notation that the lien covers all previous, current and future periods for the life of the lien, and the date when such copy is filed. Thereupon the amount of such warrant so filed and entered shall become a lien upon the title to and interest in all real and personal property, including choses in action against negotiable instruments not past due, of the employer against whom the warrant is issued in the same manner as a judgment duly enrolled in the office of such clerk. Any such liens shall cover all contributions, interest and damages owed to the department from previous, current and future periods until the expiration of such lien or until the amount of the lien is fully satisfied. Such judgment shall not be a lien upon the property of the employer for a period of more than seven (7) years from the date of filing of the notice of the tax lien for failure to pay contributions, damages and interest unless action be brought thereon before the expiration of such time or unless the department refiles such notice of tax lien before the expiration of such time. The judgment shall be a lien upon the property of the employer for a period of seven (7) years from the date of refiling such notice of tax lien unless action be brought thereon before the expiration of such time or unless the department refiles such notice of tax lien before the expiration of such time. There shall be no limit upon the number of times the department may refile notices of tax liens. The sheriff shall proceed upon the warrant in the same manner and with like effect as that provided by law in respect to executions issued against property upon judgments or in attachment proceedings of a court of record, and the remedies by garnishment shall apply; and for his services in executing the warrant the sheriff shall be entitled to the same fees, which he may collect in the same manner.

The department may elect to issue the warrant directly to the circuit clerk of any county of this state for enrollment upon the judgment rolls of the county. In such case, the clerk shall enter in the judgment roll, in the column for judgment debtors, the name of the employer mentioned in the warrant and, in appropriate columns, the amount of contributions, interest and damages for which the warrant is issued, a notation that the lien covers all previous, current and future periods for the life of the lien, and the date when such warrant is filed. The lien shall have the same effect and remedies as that provided by law in respect to executions issued against property upon judgments or in attachment proceedings of a court of record, and the remedies by garnishment shall apply.

All warrants issued by the department for the collection of any unemployment tax or for an overpayment of benefits imposed by statute and collected by the department shall be used to levy on salaries, compensation or other monies due the delinquent employer or claimant. No such warrant shall be issued until after the delinquent employer or claimant has exhausted all appeal rights associated with the debt. The warrants shall be served by mail or by delivery by an agent of the department on the person or entity responsible or liable for the payment of the monies due the delinquent employer or claimant. Once served, the employer or other person owing compensation due the delinquent employer or claimant shall pay the monies over to the department in complete or partial satisfaction of the liability. An answer shall be made within thirty (30) days after service of the warrant in the form and manner determined satisfactory by the department. Failure to pay the money over to the department as required by this section shall result in the served party being personally liable for the full amount of the monies owed and the levy and collection process may be issued against the party in the same manner as other debts owed to the department. Except as otherwise provided by this section, the answer, the amount payable under the warrant and the obligation of the payor to continue payment shall be governed by the garnishment laws of this state but shall be payable to the department.

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