Each agency of state government shall deposit monthly for a period of twenty-four (24) months an amount equal to one-twelfth of one percent (1/12 of 1%) of the first Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) paid to each employee thereof during the next preceding year into the Employment Compensation Revolving Fund that is created in the State Treasury. The Department of Finance and Administration shall determine the percentage to be applied to the amount of covered wages paid in order to maintain a balance in the revolving fund of not less than the amount determined by an actuary through an annual actuarial evaluation. The State Treasurer shall invest all funds in the Employment Compensation Revolving Fund and all interest earned shall be credited to the Employment Compensation Revolving Fund. The reimbursement of benefits paid by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security shall be paid by the Department of Finance and Administration from the Employment Compensation Revolving Fund upon notice from the department; and the Department of Finance and Administration shall issue warrants or may contract for the performance of the duties prescribed by subsections (2) and (3) of this section, and other duties necessarily related thereto.