1. Unemployment contributions;
2. Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions, State Workforce Investment contributions and the Mississippi Works contributions, known collectively as the Mississippi Workforce Investment and Training contributions, on a pro rata basis;
3. Interest and damages; then
4. Legal and processing costs.
The amount of unemployment insurance contributions due for any period will be the amount due according to the actual computations unless the employer is participating in the MLPP. In that event, the amount due is the MLPP amount computed by the department.
Cost of collection and administration of the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contribution, the State Workforce Investment contribution and the Mississippi Works contribution shall be allocated based on a plan approved by the United States Department of Labor (USDOL).The Mississippi Community College Board shall pay the cost of collecting the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions, the State Workforce Investment Board shall pay the cost of collecting the State Workforce Investment contributions and the Mississippi Department of Employment Security shall pay the cost of collecting the Mississippi Works contributions.Payments shall be made semiannually with the cost allocated to each based on a USDOL approved plan on a pro rata basis, for periods ending in June and December of each year.Payment shall be made by each organization to the department no later than sixty (60) days after the billing date.Cost shall be allocated under the USDOL's approved plan and in the same ratio as each contribution type represents to the total authorized by subparagraph (ii)(2) of this paragraph to be collected for the period.
2. In managing the State Workforce Investment Board bank account, the department shall ensure that any funds expended for contractual services rendered to the State Workforce Investment Board shall be paid only to service providers who have been selected on a competitive basis. Any contract for services entered into using funds from the Workforce Investment Fund bank account shall contain the deliverables stated in terms that allow for the assessment of work performance against measurable performance standards and shall include milestones for completion of each deliverable under the contract. For each contract for services entered into by the State Workforce Investment Board, the board shall develop a quality assurance surveillance plan that specifies quality control obligations of the contractor as well as measurable inspection and acceptance criteria corresponding to the performance standards contained in the contract's statement of work.
3. Any commodities procured for the board shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of Section 31-7-13.
1. An identification of the state's workforce development needs through a well-documented quantitative and qualitative analysis of:
a. The current and projected workforce training needs of existing and identified potential Mississippi industries, with priority given to assessing the needs of existing in-state industry and business. Where possible, the analysis should include a verification and expansion of existing information previously developed by workforce training and service providers, as well as analysis of existing workforce data, such as the data collected through the Statewide Longitudinal Data System.
b. The needs of the state's workers and residents requiring additional workforce training to improve their work skills in order to compete for better employment opportunities, including a priority-based analysis of the critical factors currently limiting the state's ability to provide a trained and ready workforce.
c. The needs of workforce service and training providers in improving their ability to offer industry-relevant training, including an assessment of the practical limits of keeping training programs on the leading edge and eliminating those programs with marginal workforce relevance.
2. An assessment of Mississippi's current workforce development service delivery structure relative to the needs quantified in this subparagraph, including:
a. Development of a list of strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats (SWOT) of the current workforce development delivery system relative to the identified needs;
b. Identification of strategic options for workforce development services based on the results of the SWOT analysis; and
c. Development of results-oriented measures for each option that can be baselined and, if implemented, tracked over time, with quantifiable milestones and goals.
3. Preparation of a report presenting all subjects set out in this subparagraph to be delivered to the Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee no later than February 1, 2015.
4. Following the preparation of the report, the State Workforce Investment Board shall make a recommendation to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees on future uses of funds deposited to the State Workforce Investment Fund account. Such future uses may include:
a. The development of promotion strategies for workforce development programs;
b. Initiatives designed to reduce the state's dropout rate including the development of a statewide career awareness program;
c. The long-term monitoring of the state's workforce development programs to determine whether they are addressing the needs of business, industry, and the workers of the state; and
d. The study of the potential restructuring of the state's workforce programs and delivery systems.
1. For calendar year 2014 only, the rate of nineteen one-hundredths of one percent (.19%) based upon taxable wages of which eighteen one-hundredths of one percent (.18%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution and one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution; and
2. For calendar year 2015 only, the rate of sixteen one-hundredths of one percent (.16%), based upon taxable wages of which fifteen one-hundredths of one percent (.15%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution and one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution.
1. For calendar year 2016 only, at a rate of twenty-four one-hundredths percent (.24%), based upon taxable wages, of which fifteen one-hundredths percent (.15%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution, one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution and eight one-hundredths percent (.08%) shall be the Mississippi Works contribution.
2. For calendar years subsequent to calendar year 2016, at a rate of twenty one-hundredths percent (.20%), based upon taxable wages, of which fifteen one-hundredths percent (.15%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution, one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution and four one-hundredths percent (.04%) shall be the Mississippi Works contribution. The Mississippi Works contribution shall be collected for calendar years in which the general experience ratio, adjusted on the basis of the trust fund adjustment factor and reduced by fifty percent (50%), results in a general experience rate of less than two-tenths percent (.2%). In all other years the Mississippi Works contribution shall not be in effect.